View the Report for Your Calls

The Call List table provides details about all the calls registered in the current month. To view the calls from any previous month, use the available drop-down list and select the desired value.

The table includes the following details about each call:

T – The call type:

  • 1.gif Local call
  • 2.gif Extended local call
  • 3.gif External call

A – The call application type:

  • 4.gif Dial
  • 5.gif Queue
  • 6.gif IVR
  • 7.gif Voicemail
  • 8.gif Conference
  • 9.gif Park
  • 10.gif Unpark
  • 11.gif Callback
  • 12.gif Calling card
  • 13.gif Intercom/paging
  • 14.gif Queue center

Searching the Calls List

Exodec Phone Portal automatically displays all the current month's calls. If you are searching for specific calls, you have to define particular search criteria by filling in the fields available in the Search Calls section:

  • Show call history for - Use the drop-down list to choose whose call history to be displayed:
    • Personal - Only your call history is displayed.
    • {extension_no} - Depending on how many extensions in the group(s) have the call history Sharing Policy enabled, you can choose from the list the {extension_no} whose traffic you want to see.
    • All - The call histories of both your extension and of all the extensions in the group(s) that have the call history Sharing Policy enabled are displayed.
  • From number - If you want only certain received calls to be displayed, then you can use the drop-down list and the text box to search through the list:
    • Starting with - Only the calls received from the number(s) starting with the digit(s) filled in the text box will be displayed.
    • Ending with - Only the calls received from the number(s) ending with the digit(s) filled in the text box will be displayed.
    • Exact match - Only the calls received from the number(s) matching exactly the digit(s) filled in the text box will be displayed.
  • To number - If you want only the calls placed to certain phone number(s) to be displayed, then you can use the drop-down list and the text box to search through the list:
    • Starting with - Only the calls placed from the number(s) starting with the digit(s) filled in the text box will be displayed.
    • Ending with - Only the calls placed from the number(s) ending with the digit(s) filled in the text box will be displayed.
    • Exact match - Only the calls placed from the number(s) matching exactly the digit(s) filled in the text box will be displayed.
  • CallID – If you want only the calls matching a certain CallID to be displayed, use this text box to fill in the unique number that Asterisk generated to identify the call.
  • Call duration – Use this section to specify the call duration limitations by filling in the fields from the next rule:
    • Bigger than {x} seconds and/or smaller than {y} seconds
  • Call cost – Use this section to specify call cost limitations by filling in the fields from the next rule:
    • Bigger than {x} and/or smaller than {y}
  • Call ended with – Use the drop-down list to filter the calls based on their resolution:
    • Answered - Displays only the calls that were answered.
    • No answer - Displays only the calls that were not answered.
    • Busy - Displays only the calls that could not be answered because the callee was involved in another call.
    • Failed - Displays only the calls that could not reach their destination.
    • Unknown - Displays only the calls whose resolution is unknown.
    • Not allowed - Displays only the calls that were not authorized to reach their destination.
    • Start search on {x} and end search on {y} - Use the text boxes or click the corresponding calendar calendar icon to specify the period you are searching for.
  • Display - Use these radio buttons to filter the search results:
    • All – Select this option to display both the incoming and the outgoing calls matching your other filters.
    • Incoming calls – Select this option to display only the received calls matching your other filters.
    • Outgoing calls – Select this option to display only the placed calls matching your other filters.
  • Limit search by call context – Use these radio buttons to filter the search results:
    • All – Select this option to display all your extension's calls.
    • Local calls – Select this option to display only the calls made to local numbers (between extensions belonging to the same client).
    • Extended local calls – Select this option to display only the calls made to extended local numbers (between extensions belonging to different clients).
    • External calls – Select this option to display only the calls received from outside the system or sent to external destinations.
  • Limit search by application – Use these check boxes to filter the search results by the application used by Asterisk to handle the call:
    • Dial – Select this option to display the calls between two phone terminals.
    • Queue – Select this option to display the calls targeted at a queue extensions.
    • Conference – Select this option to display the conference calls.
    • Voicemail – Select this option to display the calls that ended in the voice mailbox.
    • Voicemail center – Select this option to display the calls to a voicemail center extension type.
    • IVR – Select this option to display the calls targeted at an IVR extensions.
    • Park – Select this option to display the calls that were parked.
    • Unpark – Select this option to display the calls that were picked up form the parking lot.
    • Calling card - Select this option to display the calls that were made using a calling card extension type.
    • Intercom/Paging - Select this option to display the calls made through an intercom/paging extension type.
    • Callback - Select this option to display the calls that were made using a callback extension type.
    • Supervising - Select this option to display the supervised calls.

Click Ok to display only the records that fit your search criteria. Click Show all to display all the records from the data base.

Export Reports to an Easy-to-Edit Format

  • Excel Export to Excel – Click this link to export the call costs report to a Microsoft Excel file.
  • CSV Export to CSV - Click this link to export the call costs report to a .csv format file.

You have the possibility to customize the exported call cost report by choosing the columns you want to include in your report. The relevant columns can be selected from the Export Columns section.

This is the list of all possible columns you can export in your customized report:

  • Call flow - The call direction: incoming or outgoing .
  • Call type - The received call type.
  • Application - The application that answered the call. Any of the applications listed under Limit search by application (see above) can answer the call.
  • To number – The CallerID, for example <8754 >, or, if the call is initiated from inside the system, the extension number (e.g.: 007 or 0001*007) of the person who answered the call.
  • From number – The CallerID, for example <8754 >, or, if the call is initiated from inside the system, the extension number (e.g.: 007 or 0001*007) of the person who made the call.
  • Call initiated - The date and time the caller dialed the callee's number, initiating the call.
  • Ringing started – The date and time the called extension started ringing.
  • Call answered - The date and time the call was answered. If the call was not answered, Exodec Phone Portal records the 0000-00-00 00:00:00 value.
  • Call duration - The total length of the received call, in seconds.
  • Call disposition - The way the call was terminated: it was either answered, not answered, failed, etc.
  • Charging plan - The charging plan that generated the call cost.
  • Call cost - The cost of the call as charged by the channel.
  • Money unit - The currency currently used for charging.
  • CallID - The unique number generated by Asterisk to identify the call.
  • Transfer source - If the call was transferred from another extension, this column will list the source extension.
  • Transfer destination - If the call was transferred to another extension, this column displays the destination extension.
  • Initially called extension - If the call was picked up from another extension, this column displays the extension that was originally called.
  • Callback CallerID - If the caller used a callback extension to route its call to a remote destination, this column displays the authorized CallerID (the number from which the user dialed the system).
  • Calling card code - If the caller used a calling card to call a destination number, this column displays the code introduced to authenticate and charge the call.
  • Flow reference extension - The extension that initiated an outgoing call or the extension that received an incoming call.