Supervisory features can be used by management to supervise telephone calls in queue occurring on the Exodec system.



  • 1 Methods
  • 2 Agent Sessions


  • *999xxxx – Supervise queue conversations, where xxxx is the extension that you wish to listen to. If you are a queue supervisor, you can listen in on conversations between queue agents and callers by utilizing *999xxxx. If you wish to listen to the next call, you must press *.
  • *998xxxx – Supervisor whisper to agents, where xxxx is the extension of the agent you wish to whisper to. This feature allows you as a queue supervisor to talk to your queue agent without the caller hearing you. If you wish to whisper to the next call, you must press *.

Agent Sessions

  • *26xxxx – Pause agent session, where xxxx is your extension number. Use this if you are a queue agent logged into a queue and wish to take a break without logging out of the queue. This will prevent your phone from ringing as a member of that queue. Statistics will still be compiled.
  • *28xxxx – Un-pause the agent session, where xxxx is your extension number. This is to return from a break while logged into a queue. Your phone will now ring in the order dictated by the queue.